Table des matières
Didactiques de disciplines non scientifiques
Liens non vérifiés de manière approfondie !
- Les neurones de la lecture, Stanislas Dehaene + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=256LjpjfTYg
- https://twitter.com/StanDehaene/status/995280443229470720 (tweet intéressant)
- A Brief History of Reading Instruction, Stephen Parker, june 2019
Belgique :
- Les instructions “Blanquer” :
- Des enseignants rebelles (ou qui n'ont pas encore acceptés…) :
- Le CSEN :
Canada :
England/english/US :
- Changing How Literacy Is Taught: Evidence on Synthetic Phonics Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally, and Martina Viareng, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2018, 10(2): 217–241 DOI: 10.1257/pol.20160514
- Ending the Reading Wars: Reading Acquisition From Novice to Expert Anne Castles, Kathleen Rastle and Kate Nation, Psychological Science in the Public Interest 2018, Vol. 19(1) 5 –51 DOI: 10.1177/1529100618772271
- Nurturing a lexical legacy: reading experience is critical for the development of word reading skill Kate Nation npj Science of Learning volume 2, Article number: 3 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/s41539-017-0004-7
- Why Doesn't Every Teacher Know the Research on Reading Instruction? Education Week October 26, 2018
- How to Make Reading Instruction Much, Much More Efficient : Scaling back small-group instruction would have dramatic improvements in literacy - By Mike Schmoker Education Week November 19, 2019
- The Most Popular Reading Programs Aren't Backed by Science By Sarah Schwartz, December 3, 2019
- The Dramatic Impact of Explicit Instruction on Learning to Read in a New Writing System Kathleen Rastle, Clare Lally, Matthew H. Davis, and J. S. H. Taylor, Psychological Science 1–14, 2021 DOI: 10.1177/0956797620968790
- Relation lecture/écriture et performances en mathématiques
- Reading to Learn? The Co-Development of Mathematics and Reading During Primary School Nicolas H Christine Merrell Helen Cramman John Little David Bolden Benjamin Nagengast preprint DOI: 10.31219/osf.io/v8h29 → “Understanding how early reading and mathematics co-develop is important from both theoretical and pedagogical standpoints. Previous research has provided mixed results, with some studies suggesting that mathematics is the leading indicator in this developmental process, whereas others have suggested that reading is. This paper investigates the development of reading and mathematics in a longitudinal sample of N = 355,883 students from the UK aged 5 to 12 (49% girls). The results suggest a positive relation between the development of the two domains. In addition, a statistically significant positive association between prior reading scores and subsequent changes in achievement in mathematics was found, whereas changes in reading were substantially smaller for students with a higher prior performance in mathematics.”
- Making the Most of Neuroscience for Teaching Reading - Many children struggle with learning to read. Neuroscience offers a better way Psychology Today, 21/06/2023
Allemagne/suisse :
Lecture et habitudes de lecture
- pisa… ?
- lecture à voix haute sans déranger : les toobaloo ? (evidence based publication ??)
- Toobaloo
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lizanne_Lafontaine/publication/289801670_Raconte-moi_une_histoire_a_haute_voix_et_je_t'en_raconterai_une_a_mon_tour_Situation_d'apprentissage_et_d'evaluation_SAE_en_litteratie_volet_oral_au_1er_cycle_du_primaire/links/5692aaeb08aee91f69a70b4a.pdf
- logiciels pour l'apprentissage de la lecture :
- The problem with ‘reading along’, David Didau, march 2017
- âge idéal pour l'apprentissage de la lecture (6 ans) : How the brain changes as children learn to read
Importance de l'écriture manuscrite
- The Importance of Handwriting Experience on the Development of the Literate Brain Karin H. James, Current Directions in Psychological Science, Volume: 26 issue: 6, page(s): 502-508, 2017 DOI: 10.1177/0963721417709821 + lien ResearchGate
Importance de la lecture pré-scolaire faite aux enfants
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